Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I wonder....

If you did a comparison against how far we as a people have (in general) turned away from God (and organized religion) and the amount of new "mental disorders" we have now a days, what you would find?

With the amount of commercials I see advertising depression meds or anxiety meds or how many people we know who have/had gone to see therapists (no offense).... just makes me think..

that and I have way too much free time in my life and no purpose....

Now I've started this blog I can't stop,

I feel that I can honestly say that I can't see myself changing in LA, that in 5 years I'd still be here, still working a job that pays me money, and nothing else.....but what about my dreams of being an actor? Not that I've done anything in the last 4 years or EVEN attempted to do so. FUCK... I need to make some major and permanent changes in my life and soon.

Whats the point of living in a town that you have grown to despise in the last decade? What's the point of trying to do something, that you really love (or at least used to) if you have no desire to do it where you are,or hell maybe even at all because .... well because you've seen the wizard, you've seen behind the curtain, and it's not that it's pretty cause believe me one thing this town has got is pretty. It's just not what you want to be a part of.

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