Well hello 15600, she said as I enter the mess hall. Thank you I replied, feeling awkward cause that's what I always say, usually. Doesn't make much since now but it was my quickest response. And because I don't know her number yet, isn't that the most awkward thing, when someone knows your number and you don't know theirs? I mean you don't want to say the wrong number, I've done that before and talk about awkward, you try to play it off as a joke but it never works.
I grabbed my tray of food and headed to my assigned table. Sat down in my assigned seat and stared at my "food". A green cube, a brown cube and a purple-ish one. Mmmmm... just like mama used to make. Since the guards didn't allow talking at chow time, 13493 and 12333 and I had develop eye signals. If 13493 want to trade his red cube for my green cube he would simply blink twice and motion at it, and if I was open to said trade agreement I would blink once and cough. Likewise if 12333 didn't want to trade, which she never did she would simply stare away.
So after our signals, 13493 and I covertly traded our cubes, we began to consume. Now 12453 says that he can tell the flavor difference between the red and blue cubes, but it all tastes like green to me. I know everybody says that, but its true.
After dinner we head through the hall, back to the main room. 19999 flips on the TV set, not sure why they gave us a remote, there's only one station play the same thing over and over. "You are heroes", "You are good citizens" and my personal favorite "You will go down in history". I mean honestly a number in a book and that's supposed to be enough... ah well.
We all sit around, staring at the clock. It's almost six pm. Almost time. I find myself staring at 10000. She is amazing, her hair, her eyes and a great ass. She's quite the tall drink of water. I thought caught her the other day staring back at me, but turned out she was looking at 12009, he works out. A lot. Fat lot it'll do him, we're all in the same boat.
5:59 close still. The P.A. system starts to crackle, a hush falls across the room. Oh man I still get a little nervous at this time. You think I'd be used to it by now. The P.A. crackles a second time, and now the room gets, like morgue quiet... how appropriate. I stare again at 10000, if my number is called I'm gonna go say something to her. I'm just gonna do it, then I start thinking call my number, call my number....I can finally tell her how I feel.
"14500"..."14500"... ""14500" blares out of the speaker...I feel... relief, God I'm such a chicken shit sometimes. 14500 seemed like a nice guy, didn't really ever talk to him, but he has a nice face. You know doesn't look like a douche. Well off you go 14500, into the history books.
And I get another day to say something to 10000... yeah right!
Conversation: My gym membership number
Subject: Cute Receptionist
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